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NOVITA' MD MILITARE checkpoint porta metalcerca servizi a valvole
Strumenti elettronici bonifica ambientale
Vallon GmbH is an internationally operating manufacturer of Metal Detectors (Mine Detectors), IED detectors, and Ferrous Locators (UXO bomb locators) for humanitarian and military applications Since 2005, Vallon also offers a Dual Sensor Detector for non-metallic mines and IED, the Minehound VMR3, comprising a metal detector and a ground penetration radar With the experience of 50 years and with a staff of highly qualified engineers as well as close contacts to the end-users, Vallon GmbH develops equipment of highest quality standards that meet customers requirements worldwide Five decades of excellence
Research and Development
Quality and Standards
GEORADAR Z18 GEORADAR IMAGER GOLDEN GM6 3D METAL DETECTOR VISIONARY EVO6000 DETECTOR GRAFICO GAUSS MARS MD GARRETT APEX GM ONE DEEP HUNTER apolonia gold rutus argo rutus alter 71 gm5+ sedetectorpro 12DD sub 30mt tdi beach hunter sub garrett at max viking vk40 € 240 whites mx7 mini detector € 210 €340 golden mask 4wd white's mx sport sub pulse hunter 8 metri da profondita Viking 6 euro 120 nomotion garrett 200i 300i 400i white's treasure master jeohunter |
Electronics Company SrlVia Pediano 3A 40026 Imola ItalyInfo line: Tel 0542 600108PIVA – C.F. 02689511208 richiedi prezzo scontato del giorno e ordina ora via email > mediaelettra@mediaelettra.comASSOCIAZIONI, E RIVENDITORI CHIEDERE SCONTO PER AQUISTI PER QUANTITA' www.mediaelettra.com www.garrettitaliana.com www.whitesitalia.com www.makrodedektor.eu www.desertgold.it © Copyright 2016 Electronics Company srl - Tutti i diritti riservati |