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NOVITA' MD MILITARE checkpoint porta metalcerca servizi a valvole
Strumenti elettronici bonifica ambientale
JJ ELECTRIC TUBE AMPLIFIER TUBE PREAMPLIFIER JJ239 JJ543 JJ323 JJ828 from the long experience production tube amplifier we present the excellent state of the art of the sound the 100% quality made in europe JJ ELECTRONIC formely TESLA ELECTRICask prices toTel / fax 0542 600108 edemail mediaelettra@mediaelettra.comp.iva - c.f. 02689511208
In 1994, JJ Electronic started with the production of three types of tubes. Today, we offer an assortment of more than 20 types of tubes. In 1999, capacitors and tube amplifiers were added to the JJ Electronic manufacturing program. JJ Electronic began development and production of vacuum tubes in 1994. Since that time, we have successfully introduced 17 more tubes into production. In 1999 we began production of tube amplifiers. The first model was the JJ322, a class A amplifier, powered by four JJ Electronic 300B triodes. Today, we manufacture four power amplifier and two preamplifier models. All these products have been safety certified for use around the world. Also in 1999, we introduced the production of electrolytic capacitors. Three years later, we started production of polypropylene capacitors. These capacitors received certification from international test authorities. We started our company with about 700 sq meter production facilities; today JJ Electronic owns more than 12000 sq meters of production floor
THE TUBE AMPLIFIERS JJ239 High-End, Single Ended Class A1, All Triode monoblock, 10 W into 4 and 8 Ohm
J239 uses one ECC99 and one 2A3-40 JJ
Electronic tube. The JJ Electronic triode 2A3-40, introduced at the 2003 Las
Vegas CES show, has, in contrast to the triode 300B, a heater voltage of
only 2.5V. This, when combined with a heater center tap, results in a
smaller potential difference with respect to the bias voltage and larger
active cathode surface. The result is a better sound quality. For the
audiophiles who prefer the 300B as a power tube, we offer alike monoblocks
under the name JJ309. The output power of 10W may seem low, but the JJ239
monoblocks are intended for speakers of the highest quality, with high
sensitivity: for example WLM, Lowther, Fostex, Cabasse, Loth-X, and so on.
When multiple-way speakers are used, we recommend bi-amping, using 4 x
JJ239. These 4 x 10W can make many audiophiles’ ultimate sound dreams come
JJ322 High-End Stereo Single- Ended Pure Class A,Power Amplifier 2x20W 4@8 Ohm , JJ323 Dual Monobloc Parallel Triode 300B, (2A3) Pair of monoblocks (with optional selection of three inputs), in one chassis, with triodes 300B (JJ322) or 2A3 (JJ323) in the power stage. The “retro” design of the JJ322, JJ239 and JJ243 comes from the era when triodes 300B and 2A3 were introduced. Maple wood in cherry, black or natural stain, combined with a stainless steel top plate plated with pure gold or white brass, creates a distinguished look for this piece of equipment.
JJ828, High Class A1, Push-Pull Prallell Ultralinear KT88, with Cathode Feedback, Inegratted Stereo Amplifier remote controlled, 2x70W, 4@8 Ohm. JJ828 is an integrated power
tube stereo amplifier with an independent power supply for each channel.
finiture gold plate
This is high quality preamplifier intended for customers listening to signal sources with linear outputs and for owners of turntables. JJ 243 has three line and one phono inputs. Selection of the inputs is done by a switch located on the upper panel. Input switching is carried out by top quality signal relays, with an independent relay for every channel. Phono inputs have gain sufficient to connect both, MM and MC pick-ups (from 0,5 mV). The user can select load resistance (10 – 2200 Ohm) for MC inputs and input capacitance (100- 570 pF) for MM inputs via knobs located on the back panel. Corrector RIAA is passive. The electrolytic capacitors of JJ Electronic production are bypassed with high quality polypropylene capacitors. Filament voltages for all tubes are of DC type. All capacitors in the signal path are of polypropylene type. E88CC tubes of JJ Electronic production, used in JJ 243, showed the lowest level of microphonia among all E88CC brands specially tested for this application. A high quality ALPS potentiometer is used in volume control. JJ 243 has three outputs and their selections depend on user audio equipment. The signal on the first output is amplified and its level is adjustable. The second output signal is not amplified but its level is adjustable. The third output signal is neither amplified nor adjustable, going directly from signal relays of the input switch. The power source is an integral part of JJ 243, but it is placed on the upper side. Also, the power line transformer is placed inside the shielded box. This design guarantees low interference as of an independent power source.
JJ543 Integrated Tube Stereo Amplifier 2x35W push-pull class AB 2x35W The JJ543 is an integrated power tube amplifier. Used in conjunction with high quality input signal sources (CD, PHONO) and high quality stereo speakers, this amplifier is intended for medium sized listening rooms. The operation of the amplifier is controlled by a microprocessor. The user communicates with the amplifier via a remote control unit and all functions are shown on the amplifier display. All electronic parts used in the JJ543 come from reputable manufacturers. Capacitors in the signal path are special custom made polypropylene types for audio applications. The JJ543 has four
linear inputs. Inputs 1, 2 and 3 have sensitivity 0.775 V; input 4 has
sensitivity 2 V at full power. Input 4 is intended for sources with a higher
level of signal as is the case of phone preamplifiers. In addition to the
speaker outputs L and R, the JJ543 also has three low power level outputs. The signal path is
comprised of four active stages. Only the last two stages are within the
balanced negative feedback loop. The first stage amplifies the signal 10 times.
The second stage is a split load phase inverter. In order to guarantee excellent
phase balancing, this phase inverter was designed using a high accuracy anode
and cathode resistors (0.1%). The first and second stages are not part of the
global feedback loop. The third stage is the power tubes driver. Its cathodes
are fed from a balanced feedback loop from the bifilar OPT secondary winding.
The feedback loop is also symmetrically connected to the cathodes of the power
tubes. The driver is not connected differentially, which eliminates the
cancellation of even harmonics. The total feedback is only 10 dB. The output transformer is of a highly sophisticated design. The transformer is wound on a double C-core made of laminations 0.15 mm thick, with an air-gap of 4x0.05 mm. The transformer has 8 primary and 4 secondary bifilar windings, the UL tap is at 25%, which, together with the cathode feedback, results in a feedback ratio of 30%. Due to symmetrical feedback, the secondary windings have a grounded centre tap. Therefore the JJ543 cannot be used in a bridged connection.
JJ283 All-Tube Stereo Phono Preamplifier, for MM & high output MC cartridge,50dB, 4xECC83S. This preamplifier is a set consisting of two pieces: a power supply and a preamplifier. The power supply is connected to the power mains with a power cord and to the amplifier with a feeding connector. The JJ283 has one
pair of input connectors and one pair of output connectors. These connectors are
high quality gold plated RCA connectors (CINCH) with internal insulation made of
Teflon. We recommend using high quality signal cables, less than one meter long
for both input and output connections.
are audiofile and musicians are invite here in our audio show room, to listen our amp and speakers , TEL 0542 600108 JJ ELECTRIC ITALIA DIV. ELECTRONICS COMPANY for take the appointment. ask discounted prices sent email to mediaelettra@mediaelettra.com |
GEORADAR Z18 GEORADAR IMAGER GOLDEN GM6 3D METAL DETECTOR VISIONARY EVO6000 DETECTOR GRAFICO GAUSS MARS MD GARRETT APEX GM ONE DEEP HUNTER apolonia gold rutus argo rutus alter 71 gm5+se detectorpro 12DD sub 30mt tdi beach hunter sub garrett at max viking vk40 € 240 whites mx7 mini detector € 210 €340 golden mask 4wd white's mx sport sub pulse hunter 8 metri da profondita Viking 6 euro 120 nomotion garrett 200i 300i 400i white's treasure master jeohunter |
Electronics Company SrlVia Pediano 3A 40026 Imola ItalyInfo line: Tel 0542 600108PIVA – C.F. 02689511208 richiedi prezzo scontato del giorno e ordina ora via email > mediaelettra@mediaelettra.comASSOCIAZIONI, E RIVENDITORI CHIEDERE SCONTO PER AQUISTI PER QUANTITA' www.mediaelettra.com www.garrettitaliana.com www.whitesitalia.com www.makrodedektor.eu www.desertgold.it © Copyright 2016 Electronics Company srl - Tutti i diritti riservati |